
Menampilkan postingan dari Agustus 6, 2015

Venue Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC)

Venue Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC) No. 2345 Longyang Road, Pudong New Area , Shanghai Address:6 Fl. Xian Dai Mansion, 218 Xiang Yang Road (S), Shanghai, 200031, P.R. China 「The Techno-Experience3」 Location: Booth No. E7F10 "The Techno-Experience" is organized by Ubmsinoexpo and has been launched in 2013. The event is setup as the platform for people to discussing, studying and presenting techno-office furniture. The whole area will be divided into three different functions: exhibits showcase, experience zone and forum area. The unique design style and good location makes the booth to attract more visitors. 「The Techno-Experience3」 Location: Booth No. E7F10 "The Techno-Experience" is organized by Ubmsinoexpo and has been launched in 2013. The event is setup as the platform for people to discussing, studying and presenting techno-office furniture. The whole area will be divided into three different functions: exhibits s...

Hasil Lomba Road Race Pati Jawa Tengah

Hasil Lomba Road Race Pati Jawa Tengah Event road race yang bertajuk Pati Road race Championship 2015 digelar di sirkuit Stadion Joyo Kusumo, Pati Sabtu-Minggu (1-2/8), diikuti 150-an starter. Dari hasil lomba road race Pati Jawa Tengah ini bisa dilacak pembalap lokal mendomanisasi jalannya balapan. Eh, nanti dulu enggak tahunya dari hasil lomba road race Pati Jawa Tengah ketahuan juga kalau ada pembalap Jawa Barat ikutan. ( Hasil Lomba Road Race Pati Jawa Tengah Bebek 4-tak Tune up 125 cc Pemula (Mp3) 1. (192) Rizki Kevin Pati Vino Bocel Srijaya Ag-Tuned Mtr Nhk Sss 2. (82) Alfiana Yusuf Jabar Ps Rnl Ade Putra Racing Team 3. (227) Angga Bonet Lamongan Shakespeare Racing Team Bebek 4-tak Tune up 110 cc Pemula (MP4) 1. (129) Dhian Puper Banjarnegara Hamzah Kaum Soleh Racing #100 Kebumen 2. (41) Teguh Anto Pati WMS RRT Mg Racing 3. (227) Angga Bonet Lamongan Shakespeare Racing Team Bebek 4-tak Standar 125 cc Pemula (MP5) 1. (46) Herjun Af Pati Gunung Mas Tms Mg R...